Jan 28, 2022
Passionate marriages require a healthy tension between two forces that paradoxically are at odds with one another: Security which is love and intimacy and Growth which is desire, autonomy, and adventure.
In this episode, I had the privilege of interviewing Alana and Paris from the Kingdom Sexuality Podcast. We discussed...
Jan 21, 2022
Part of being an adult is unlearning the things that no longer serve you, and learning new things that bring richer meaning to your life.
When it comes to sex, there’s a lot that isn’t helpful that we can unlearn, and a lot we can learn to bring deeper meaning and joy to our most important intimate relationships.
Jan 14, 2022
A few years ago, I was sitting around a campfire with other dads, hearing their stories of exciting trips and getaways they've been on with their wives. I was depressed, thinking, "woe is me!" With 6 young kids, and on a budget, all I could think of was reasons why I would never be able to enjoy that kind of...
Jan 7, 2022
The quickest way to improve your relationship with your spouse is to first work on yourself. However, working on ourselves can be hard. Participating in a high-quality group coaching program can often be just the thing to get you going in the right direction.
Last week we shared an inspiring story from Mark and Mindy....